Anmäl ert lag till 2025 års upplaga av Göteborg Basketball Festival! Anmälan öppnar den 15/10 2024 kl 12.00!
Menu for Gothenburg Basketball Festival 2025! Basketball festival menu 2025!Thursday 29/5 Lunch: Thai chicken in coconut and lime stew served with rice (chicken, stir-fried vegetables and coconut milk) Vegetarian Thai bamboo shoot stew served... Basketball festival menu 2025!Thursday 29/5 Lunch: Thai chicken in coconut and lime stew served ...
Looking for a hotel in Gothenburg? Scandic rooms are now fully booked, but we have received a hotel offer for your teams from another hotel in Gothenburg - Hotel G! For booking, email: Mentio... Scandic rooms are now fully booked, but we have received a hotel offer for your teams from anoth...
TA BUSSEN TILL GÖTEBORG BASKETBALL FESTIVAL! Med stor glädje kan vi nu presentera Vy Buss, med sina tre kommersiella varumärken Vy flygbussarna, Vy bus4you och Bookabus som officiell huvudleverantör av busstransport till Göteborg Basketball ... Med stor glädje kan vi nu presentera Vy Buss, med sina tre kommersiella varumärken Vy flygbussar...
Över 800 lag anmälda! Göteborg Basketball Festival har nu över 800 anmälda lag! Göteborg Basketball Festival har nu över 800 anmälda lag!
Thank you! Göteborg Basketball Festival is over for this time, and we're already looking forward to next year. With an all time high of 824 teams, 2038(!) played games and 115562 scored points, this years Fe... Göteborg Basketball Festival is over for this time, and we're already looking forward to next ye...
Are you injured? Let SportRehab help you! This is absolutely fantastic news for all players at Göteborg Basketball Festival. You will find Sportrehab at Valhalla and Lundbystrand the following days and time: Valhalla:Thursday 12-19Friday 8-17Saturday 13-21Sunday 8-13. Lundbystrand:Thursday 11-18Friday 8-17Saturday 15-21Sunday 8-13. This is absolutely fantastic news for all players at Göteborg Basketball Festival. You will find...
Watch all games with Solidsport There is only a few weeks left until this year’s big event, Göteborg Basketball Festival. Are you having a hard time being in place? Watch all the action from home — now for a cheaper price. You c... There is only a few weeks left until this year’s big event, Göteborg Basketball Festival. Are yo...
Dear teams of the Göteborg Basketball Festival 2024 We trust this information finds you well. As the upcoming event draws near, we would like to remind you of the impending deadline for team registration and the importance of securing the appropria... We trust this information finds you well. As the upcoming event draws near, we would like to rem...
Vi introducerar digitala Cup-Pass 2024 I takt med att festivalen växer har Göteborg Basketball Festival valt att satsa på en digital lösning med Cup-Pass. Under 2023 deltog 736 lag från 12 länder och vi engagerar över 7500 ... I takt med att festivalen växer har Göteborg Basketball Festival valt att satsa på en digital lö...
BAGAGE INLÄMNING EXERCIS HUSET I år finns INGEN bagage inlämning i Valhalla. All bagageinlämning finns på Exercishuset vid Hedens parkering. Exercishuset - karta på Eniro. Det kostar 10 SEK att lämna bagaget (swish eller kontant). Öppet mellan kl 07.30-15.00 (ej upphämtade väskor ställs utanför Exercishuset kl 15.00. INGA VÄSKOR ÄR TILLÅTNA I VALHALLA. I år finns INGEN bagage inlämning i Valhalla. All bagageinlämning finns på Exercishuset vid Hede...
Göteborg Basketball Festival T-shirt Do you want to purchase the official Basketball Festival T-shirt? You're in luck, because there are still a lot of sizes left. We only got a limited amount for each size, so don't wait for too lon... Do you want to purchase the official Basketball Festival T-shirt? You're in luck, because there ...